National Honor Society Al-Salam Day School ACP Constitution
Al-Salam Day School ACP Chapter
The purpose of this chapter shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of ADS ACP.
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the ADS ACP Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS).
Section 2. The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the ideals of scholarship, service, leadership, and character as set forth by the National Honor Society.
Article II: Membership
Section 1. Membership in this chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty, and shall be based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Section 2. Eligibility
a. Candidates eligible for selection to this chapter must be members of the sophomore, junior, or senior class.
b. Candidates must have been in attendance at the school for a period equivalent to one semester.
c. Candidates must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
d. Upon meeting the grade level, attendance, and GPA standards, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, and character.
Article III: Selection of Members
Section 1. The selection of members to this chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council members appointed by the principal.
Section 2. The chapter advisor shall be responsible for overseeing the selection process.
Section 3. The selection of active members shall be held once a year during the second semester of the school year.
Article IV: Discipline and Dismissal
Section 1. Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, leadership, character, or service may be considered for dismissal from the chapter.
Section 2. If a member’s cumulative GPA falls below the standard of 3.0, they will be given a written warning and a time period for improvement. If the GPA remains below the 3.0 standard at the end of the warning period, the student may be subject to dismissal from the chapter.
Section 3. Violations of the law or school regulations can result in immediate consideration for dismissal.
Article V: Officers
Section 1. The officers of the chapter shall be president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
Section 2. Student officers shall be elected at the last meeting of each school year.
Section 3. A majority vote of the members present shall be necessary to elect any officer of this chapter.
Article VI: Executive Committee
Section 1. The executive committee shall consist of the faculty advisor, the chapter officers, and the Faculty Council members.
Section 2. The executive committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter.
Article VII: Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings of this chapter shall be held by-monthly.
Section 2. Special meetings can be called by the chapter president or advisor.
Article VIII: Activities
Section 1. The chapter shall determine one or more service projects for each year.
Section 2. All members shall regularly participate in these projects.
Section 3. Each member shall complete at least 25 hours of service per year.
Article IX: Amendments
Section 1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the chapter, provided that the proposed amendment has been approved by the executive committee and the NHS National Council.
Section 2. By-laws consistent with this constitution may be established as necessary.
Article X: Approval
Section 1. This constitution has been approved by Principal Linda Hamad, NHS Advisor Ruba Abusharif, and Faculty Council Members.
Section 2. The NHS constitution shall follow the guidelines set forth by the national NHS constitution, with the above local amendments.